O Welcome letter sent to members in August
O Preside at meetings
O Keep open communications with Board and Committee Chairs
O Assist First Vice President with programs/scheduling/assigning hostesses/
co-hostesses & committee chairs
O Contact hostess and co-hostess of meetings, as all should participate
O Contact host for Spring party to contact caterer and bartender.
O Confirm May luncheon (location, menu, date, pricing)
O Appoint Nominating Committee in January, Exec committee meets to propose new officers
O Propose new slate in March and vote
O Vote at May luncheon for award cups
O Begin arranging programs & scheduling speakers: mid-spring
O Submit complete program list to the Executive Board by July 31st.
O Secure host & hostesses for upcoming season & submit to 2nd VP: June 26
O Call speakers two weeks ahead to confirm date, time, and to secure any necessary items that he or she might need. (projector, table, etc.)
O Communicate with Secretary each month to send out Evites three weeks in advance & include any pertinent information pertaining to meeting
O Remind co-hostess to prepare devotion
O Secure check from Treasurer for program speaker fee (if any) or to a charity
of their choice (reimbursed $50)
O Preside at meetings if President is unable
O Small gift for outgoing President at May luncheon (reimbursed) and purchase small gift/donation for each speaker- $50
SECOND VICE PRESIDENT, Membership Chairman:
O Responsible for updating handbook
O Gather new member information and changes in current directory from outgoing President & Second Vice President
O Send email to members to request any necessary corrections of the following:
change of address, phone number, email, name and change in status: June 1
O Receive letters of proposal for new members: Deadline: 2nd Wednesday of February
O Have the sponsor read letters of nomination at the February meeting
O Responsible for conducting the balloting at the voting meeting in March (bring materials) & Announce new members
O Provide new member information Secretary and Treasurer
O Remind the sponsors of new members to personally extend invitations for the Spring luncheon & to make new members aware that they will also receive an invitation to the spring party
O Balance bank statements/report financial status at meetings-as needed
O Collect dues and notify members with outstanding dues
O Notify new members of financial commitment
O Monitor CDs and renew as necessary after conferring with Officers
O Pay all bills upon receipt of statements
O Provide check, as requested by First Vice President, for program speakers
O Collect Spring party and Spring luncheon monies
O Prepare upcoming year’s budget for Spring luncheon
O Meet with incoming executive committee regarding the following yearly budget
O Notify active members when they have 2 (two) unexcused absences
O Notify members each month 3 weeks in advance of upcoming meeting via Evite, include all information noted in handbook
O Correspond with First Vice President for any additional program information
O Correspond with Second Vice President for membership information (i.e.address changes and new member addresses)
O Work with Spring Party arrangement chair and Host; order invitations, address & mail invitations for Spring Party to members
O Extend a handwritten letter of invitation to new members to the Hessie Morrah Garden Club.
O A small or simple arrangement to be hand delivered w handwritten
letter to new members
O Send May luncheon invite
O Send Get Well/Sympathy cards to members when necessary
O Take photos at each meeting, including horticulture, speakers, table
decorations, hostesses, etc.
O If unable to attend, arrange for a substitute to take photos
O Save invitations
O Create album and turn over to new historian at the May meeting
O Store albums-bring them to Fall & Spring luncheon
O Expenses incurred will be reimbursed
O Welcome letter sent to members in August
O Preside at meetings
O Keep open communications with Board and Committee Chairs
O Assist First Vice President with programs/scheduling/assigning hostesses/
co-hostesses & committee chairs
O Contact hostess and co-hostess of meetings, as all should participate
O Contact host for Spring party to contact caterer and bartender.
O Confirm May luncheon (location, menu, date, pricing)
O Appoint Nominating Committee in January, Exec committee meets to propose new officers
O Propose new slate in March and vote
O Vote at May luncheon for award cups
O Begin arranging programs & scheduling speakers: mid-spring
O Submit complete program list to the Executive Board by July 31st.
O Secure host & hostesses for upcoming season & submit to 2nd VP: June 26
O Call speakers two weeks ahead to confirm date, time, and to secure any necessary items that he or she might need. (projector, table, etc.)
O Communicate with Secretary each month to send out Evites three weeks in advance & include any pertinent information pertaining to meeting
O Remind co-hostess to prepare devotion
O Secure check from Treasurer for program speaker fee (if any) or to a charity
of their choice (reimbursed $50)
O Preside at meetings if President is unable
O Small gift for outgoing President at May luncheon (reimbursed) and purchase small gift/donation for each speaker- $50
SECOND VICE PRESIDENT, Membership Chairman:
O Responsible for updating handbook
O Gather new member information and changes in current directory from outgoing President & Second Vice President
O Send email to members to request any necessary corrections of the following:
change of address, phone number, email, name and change in status: June 1
O Receive letters of proposal for new members: Deadline: 2nd Wednesday of February
O Have the sponsor read letters of nomination at the February meeting
O Responsible for conducting the balloting at the voting meeting in March (bring materials) & Announce new members
O Provide new member information Secretary and Treasurer
O Remind the sponsors of new members to personally extend invitations for the Spring luncheon & to make new members aware that they will also receive an invitation to the spring party
O Balance bank statements/report financial status at meetings-as needed
O Collect dues and notify members with outstanding dues
O Notify new members of financial commitment
O Monitor CDs and renew as necessary after conferring with Officers
O Pay all bills upon receipt of statements
O Provide check, as requested by First Vice President, for program speakers
O Collect Spring party and Spring luncheon monies
O Prepare upcoming year’s budget for Spring luncheon
O Meet with incoming executive committee regarding the following yearly budget
O Notify active members when they have 2 (two) unexcused absences
O Notify members each month 3 weeks in advance of upcoming meeting via Evite, include all information noted in handbook
O Correspond with First Vice President for any additional program information
O Correspond with Second Vice President for membership information (i.e.address changes and new member addresses)
O Work with Spring Party arrangement chair and Host; order invitations, address & mail invitations for Spring Party to members
O Extend a handwritten letter of invitation to new members to the Hessie Morrah Garden Club.
O A small or simple arrangement to be hand delivered w handwritten
letter to new members
O Send May luncheon invite
O Send Get Well/Sympathy cards to members when necessary
- Attend April and August executive meetings
O Take photos at each meeting, including horticulture, speakers, table
decorations, hostesses, etc.
O If unable to attend, arrange for a substitute to take photos
O Save invitations
O Create album and turn over to new historian at the May meeting
O Store albums-bring them to Fall & Spring luncheon
O Expenses incurred will be reimbursed
- Attend April and August executive meetings